Nvu Tutorial - using css

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What's css?

css and html

OK - so you've seen what html looks like raw and in browser.  In fact you've created your own html file.  When you loaded it in a browser, what did you see?

Pretty plain, right.  For those who didn't do the html section the page is here.

html contains two parts: the content, that is the pictures and text that you see when you open a web page in your browser; and the style, that is the way the browser displays that content (fonts, size, positioning, colour).

zen garden fileOur file contained only content. Consider this html file (you can click the graphic to go to the actual page) -->

Like ours, this one is pretty plain - there are no style rules associated with this file.

zen garden css

Now in reality this html has a number of style commands associated with it. I've pulled them out so you can see html and css separately.

<--I've shown a few of them here (again, to see all of them click the graphic).

screen shot of html and css combinedNow when we put the two together we get this: -->

That's more like it!

Now let's see how you can spice up your html file with a little style.  For more go to the csseditor.

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