Nvu Tutorial - using css

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The css editor

Now we'll go through how to use the editor to create stylesheets and style rules.

To see a short video demonstrating this click here: style rule video

To create stylesheets and style rules:

  1. Open the css editor (Tools>Css editor) and click the "style elt." button in the lower left
  2. In the "New Stylesheet" section to the right, click the "create stylesheet" button
  3. In the "Sheets and Rules" window to the left you should see "new internal stylesheet" highlighted in gray - this means that you've successfully created a new stylesheet
  4. To create rules in that sheet, click the "rule" button in the lower left
  5. Of the three types of rules you can create, select "styles applied to all elements matching the following selector" and type your selector in the text box - in the example in the video, I use the selector p
  6. Click the "create style rule" button and you should see "p" appear in the Sheets and Rules window, indicating that you've created a style rule for all p elements
  7. Customize your style rule by selecting the different tabs - text, background, borders, box, list, aural - and modifying the settings

The next screen and videos will walk you through creating your own stylesheet and style rules (continue).

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